
Charge Transport in Biological Environments: the Energetic Variational Approaches

Abstract: Almost all biological activities involve transport of charged ions. Ion channels play critical roles in biological systems including heart and nerves. The study of the dynamic properties of these system provide formidable challenges and exciting opportunities for interdisciplinary researches and collaborations. In this talk, I will discuss a unified energetic variational approach developed specifically for these multiscale-multiphysics FFSI (field-fluid-structure interaction) problems. I will present some relevant theories, approaches and methods developed in the area.

Bio: Prof. Chun Liu, Chair of Applied Mathematics, Illinois Institute of Technology, received his Ph.D. from Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University. Prof. Liu is a well-known expert in many fields of mathematics, including nonlinear partial differential equations, calculus of variations, complex fluids, and multiscale modeling and analysis. In addition, Prof. Liu is an editor of many mathematics journals including SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, Communications in Mathematical Sciences, Kinetic and Related Models, Analysis and Application, etc.