Directories > Directories

Name Position/Title Office Tel E-mail
SHEN Leyuan Room M4005, College of Science Bldg.
CHEN Yimao Professor (Teaching Track) Room M5006, College of Science Bldg. 0755-88018978
DONG Shijie Assistant Professor Room M605, College of Science Bldg.
FANG Fuquan Chair Professor
FENG Zhicheng Assistant Professor
FUTORNY Vyacheslav Chair Professor
FU Yunhao Instructor Room M5002, College of Science Bldg.
GU Jiawen Associate Professor Room M5012, College of Science Bldg.
GAO Hui Associate Professor Room M618, College of Science Bldg.
GAROUFALIDIS Stavros Chair Professor Room M604, College of Science Bldg. 13316977609
HERTZ Jana Professor Room M5010, College of Science Bldg. 0755-88018121
HU Yong Associate Professor Room M5011, College of Science Bldg. 0755-88015910
HUA Yongxia Associate Professor Room M5004, College of Science Bldg. 0755-88018107
HAN Xuli Visiting Professor Room M5015, College of Science Bldg.
HONG Jieliang Assistant Professor
IRMER Ingrid Assistant Professor Room M608, College of Science Bldg.
IHRINGER Ferdinand Assistant Professor
KURGANOV Alexander Chair Professor Room M5018, College of Science Bldg. 0755-88018788
KASHUBA Iryna Associate Professor
KOSSOVSKIY Ilya Associate Professor 209, Taizhou Hall
LI Jingzhi Professor Room M609, College of Science Bldg.
LIU Airong Room M715B, College of Science Bldg. 0755-88018711
LU Shenghong Room M715, College of Science Bldg. 0755-88018696
LI Juexian Visiting Professor Room M2003, College of Science Bldg.
LI Caiheng Chair Professor Room M4004, College of Science Bldg. 0755-88018755
LI Liying Associate Professor
LIU Bochen Associate Professor Room M701, College of Science Bldg.
LIU Zhihui Associate Professor Room M606, College of Science Bldg. 0755-88015922
LI Zhan Assistant Professor Room M611, College of Science Bldg.
Man Shun Ma Room M704, College of Science Bldg.
MA Ziming Associate Professor Room M708, College of Science Bldg.
QIU Yannan Associate Professor Room M5003, College of Science Bldg.
QU Yuan Room M715, College of Science Bldg. 0755-88018719
SU Linlin Associate Professor Room M5013, College of Science Bldg. 0755-88018679
SUN Lulu Teaching Assistant Room M4006, College of Science Bldg.
SALOMAO Pedro Professor
SUN Jingrui Associate Professor Room M610, College of Science Bldg.
TAN Shaocai Room M715, College of Science Bldg. 0755-88018743
Tao Jin Room M715, College of Science Bldg. 0755-88018770
URES Raul Professor Room M5009, College of Science Bldg. 0755-88018118
WANG Rong Associate Professor Room M5007, College of Science Bldg. 0755-88018780
WEN Zhenyu Room M715, College of Science Bldg. 0755-88018742
WEN Jiaqiang Assistant Professor Room M607, College of Science Bldg.
WU Kailiang Associate Professor Room M613, College of Science Bldg.
WU Longting Assistant Professor Room M620, College of Science Bldg.
XIANG Qing Chair Professor Room M715A, College of Science Bldg.
XIA Changyu Visiting Professor Room M2004, College of Science Bldg.
XIANG Ziqing Associate Professor Room M5005, College of Science Bldg.
XIONG Jie Chair Professor Room M4002, College of Science Bldg.
YANG Jiang Associate Professor Room M710, College of Science Bldg. 0755-88018715
YANG Yan Instructor Room M5008, College of Science Bldg. 0755-88018118
YU Xianghui Room M715, College of Science Bldg. 0755-88018703
YUAN Wangjun Assistant Professor Room M703, College of Science Bldg.
ZENG Pingping Associate Professor Room M612, College of Science Bldg. 0755-88018701
ZHU Yifei Assistant Professor Room M705, College of Science Bldg. +86-755-8801 5911
ZHENG Juan Teaching Assistant Room M4006, College of Science Bldg.
ZHANG Jing Teaching Assistant Room M4006, College of Science Bldg.
ZHANG Jin Associate Professor Room M621, College of Science Bldg. 0755-88015915
ZHANG Wenlong Assistant Professor Room M709, College of Science Bldg.
ZHANG Jiping Chair Professor
ZELMANOV Efim Chair Professor
ZEGN Shangzhi Assistant Professor
ZHANG Yiwei Visiting Assistant Professor
ZHANG Yiying Assistant Professor Room M702, College of Science Bldg.
ZHANG Zhen Associate Professor Room M5014, College of Science Bldg. 0755-88018753
ZHONG Hua Associate Professor